We are Deep Tranquility Travel and are excited to help you with your travel. The following terms & conditions (the "Agreement") describe what you can expect from us. The terms "we", "us", and "our" refer to Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel and the term "you" refers to the individual who signs this agreement.


REFUND POLICY DEEP TRANQUILITY TRAVEL, LLC (aka Travel Agency) d/b/a We NSpire Travel

All deposits made to Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, Are NON-REFUNDABLE & NON-TRANSFERABLE (NO EXCEPTIONS). Make sure you purchase travel insurance with care.


Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, is acting as a mere agent for SUPPLIERS (identified on the final travel documents) in selling travel-related accepting services, or in accepting reservations or bookings for services that are not directly supplied by this Travel Agency (such as air and ground transportation, hotel accommodations, meals, tours, cruises, etc.). Travel Agency, therefore, shall not be responsible for breach of contract, failure to comply with any laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or any intentional or negligent actions or omissions on the part of such suppliers, which result in any loss, damage, delay, inconvenience or injury, or death to travelers or travelers' companions or group members. Unless the term "guaranteed" is specifically stated in writing on your tickets, invoice, or reservation itinerary, Travel Agency does not guarantee any of such supplier's rates, bookings, reservations, connections, scheduling, or handling of baggage or other personal effects. Travelers have done due diligence, are aware of the quality of the hotel accommodations chosen and agree that Travel Agency will not be responsible if they are not satisfied.


Traveler assumes complete and full responsibility for, and hereby releases Travel Agency from, any duty of checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of each destination, and all safety and security conditions of such destinations, during the length of the proposed travel. However, we specifically recommend that U. S. Citizens traveling internationally, including travel to Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean, do so with a valid U. S. Passport. For information concerning possible dangers at international destinations, contact the Travel Advisory Section of the U.S. State Department, (202) 647-5335


. For medical information, please refer to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), (404) 332-4559 or use their fax information service at


(404) 332-4565.

The Travel Agency shall not be responsible for any injuries, losses or damages in connection with terrorist activities, social or labor unrest, mechanical or structural integrity of air, sea, and ground transportation and accommodations, diseases, local laws, terrorist acts, climatic conditions, Acts of God, delays, changes or cancellation of travel due to weather conditions, hotel services, accidents or health related problems before or while in-transit to (e.g., an accident on the way to a tour), during, and after a tour, or any other actions, omissions, or conditions outside of (Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel ) control.

If travel plans are delayed or canceled for any reason there will be no refunds issued by Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel. Please note that a ‘trip’ or ‘booking’ often consists of multiple components, each of which may carry its own cancellation penalties (example: an airline ticket, a pre-trip hotel night, a multi-day adventure vacation by a tour operator, a post-trip extension designed by Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, and Suppliers all of which may be subject to a different set of cancellation policies).

Clients are responsible for obtaining the applicable policies, no refund(s) will be issued for cancellations due to actual or threatened terrorist events. Furthermore, there will be no refunds due to fear of travel from actual or threatened terrorist, health,               political or other similar events.

It is the traveler’s responsibility to protect their purchases and Travel Insurance is strongly recommended. Travelers are advised to obtain appropriate insurance coverage against these risks; information is available through this Travel Agency regarding travel insurance. Traveler's retention of tickets, reservations, or bookings after issuance shall constitute consent to the above and an agreement on his/her part to convey the contents hereto to his/her travel companions or group members.

Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/ a We NSpire Travel, acts as a sales agent for the tour operator named in your itinerary (“Suppliers”). Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel is not responsible for acts or omissions of the tour operator or its failure to provide services.

Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel assumes no responsibility for and shall not be liable for any refund, personal injury, property damage, or other loss, accident, delay, inconvenience, or irregularity which may be caused by: (1) any defaults, wrongful or negligent acts, or omissions of the tour operator; (2) any defect in or failure of any vehicle, craft, equipment, or instrumentality owned, operated, or otherwise used or provided by the tour operator; or (3) any wrongful or negligent acts or omissions on the part of any other party not under Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel control. You hereby release Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, from all claims arising out of any problem covered in this paragraph.

Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, has no special knowledge regarding the hazards of the tour, suitability of the tour for any person, financial condition of the tour operator, unsafe conditions, health hazards, weather hazards, political conditions, or climate extremes at locations to which you may travel. For information concerning possible dangers at destinations, Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, recommends contacting the Travel Warnings Section of the U.S. State Department at (202) 647-5225 or


. For medical information, ABC recommends contacting the Centers for Disease Control at (877) FYI-TRIP or


. You assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination(s), and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination(s). You hereby release Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, from all claims arising out of any problem covered in this paragraph and to submit all other claims against us within 30 days after the return of your trip. You agree that the courts in {Tarrant county} will be the exclusive jurisdiction for all claims brought by you or Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, and you hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.

For your protection, we strongly recommend that you purchase trip cancellation insurance and that you check the appropriate box below. We also strongly recommend that you use a credit card for your purchase, so that you can exercise your rights under the Fair Credit Billing Act if you do not receive the services you purchased.

By embarking upon his/her travel, the traveler voluntarily assumes all risks involved in such travel, whether expected or unexpected. Traveler is hereby warned of the above risks as well as possible travel industry bankruptcies and medical and climatic disruptions, and the possibility traveler may be unable to travel as scheduled because of personal emergency.

I acknowledge that I have been made aware of the benefits of travel insurance and authorize the purchase thereof by signing this form and/or all credit card authorization forms issued to me which include the purchase of travel insurance. I also hereby agree to sign the Travel Insurance form should I for some reason wish not to purchase travel insurance.


Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, desires to maintain friendly relationships with its clients (agents, sellers, buyers, etc.). In order to provide for a mutually beneficial relationship, Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We Nspire Travel, has established an alternative mediation program in the event of a misunderstanding or dispute between Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, and its clients.” If a dispute arises out of or relates to this contract, or breach thereof, and if the dispute cannot be settled through negotiation, the parties agree first to try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation administered by the World Travel Dispute Center under the applicable guidelines as established by International Forum for Travel and Tourism (IFTTA) before resorting to arbitration, litigation, or some other dispute resolution procedure. If mediation is not successful, the parties will settle by binding arbitration administered by the World Travel Dispute Center under the applicable guidelines as established by IFTTA. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator(s), or written agreements of the parties, may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof or written agreements of the parties. If litigation is necessary to enforce this agreement, the prevailing party(s) shall receive costs and attorney’s fees. In the event that an IFTTA qualified mediator or arbitrator is unavailable, both parties agree to the submission of the dispute to a mutually acceptable dispute resolution service.

The issuance of any tickets, reservations, or bookings by Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, is done on the express condition that: 1. Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, shall not be responsible for any changes in fares, rates, charges, or prices initiated by the carrier(s) or supplier(s) of services, and 2. Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel shall not be responsible for any damages resulting from cancellations, changes, or disruption of any services and/or for refunds of monies already paid or transmitted to any carrier or supplier of services. Customer's initial retention of tickets, reservations, or bookings after issuance shall constitute a consent by customer, on his/her behalf and on behalf of his/her companions, to the above. Nothing agreed to herein by the customer is meant to interfere with the customer's legal rights against any carrier(s) or supplier(s) of services.

The payment of the required deposit or any partial or full payment for a reservation on the chosen tour/package shall constitute consent to all provisions of this Terms & Conditions statement as well as the provisions listed in the ‘General — Trip Reservations and Details’ document, as well as in the ‘Trip-specific — Policy on Payments, Cancellations & Refunds’ document, as well as all provisions contained in any brochures, trip descriptions, and/or itineraries, or other forms of collateral provided to the client in conjunction with a booking. These provisions are hereby incorporated by reference in this Disclosure Notice, and clients are advised to take note of them.

Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpireTravel , is acting as a mere agent for suppliers as stated above and its agents, servants, and employees, shall not be responsible for personal injury or property damage, loss or delay, or change of itinerary incurred by any person or tour participant arising out of the act of negligence of any direct or supplemental air carrier or other person or entity engaged in transporting the passenger, hotel or other person rendering any of these services, or accommodations being offered in these tours; nor shall Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, be responsible for any injuries, death, damage, loss, or delay in any means of transportation or by reason of any event beyond the actual control of TATC or of any agent or supplier or due to force majeure. The right is reserved to decline or accept or to retain any person as a member of a trip; change a trip from ‘escorted/guided’ by Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, to ‘partially escorted/guided’ by Deep Tranquility Travel LLC Travel , or by a replacement escort, to ‘unescorted’ by Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, or by a replacement escort, should circumstances preclude the designated Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel , escort or replacement escort from accompanying the trip for whatever reason; or to cancel a trip outright due to low passenger sign-up numbers, illness of a service, and the passenger, on the one hand, and/or the contract between Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, and the designated carrier, on the other hand, is canceled by the tour operator for any reason whatsoever Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel will not be held liable and passengers should seek refunds from their travel insurance policy if elected.

The right is reserved to substitute hotels of similar category (if available) or change schedules without prior notice should circumstances demand. In the event of a change in the itinerary necessitated by factors or conditions beyond the actual control of TATC no refund can be made, nor will credit be allowed or refund given for any services provided in the itinerary should any such services not be utilized by tour members. We reserve the right to alter any itinerary, arrangement(s), or date(s), if it becomes necessary or advisable, and each trip participant/ agrees to pay additional expenses required by such alternative(s), if any. All prices are subject to change without notice. Availability of refunds for air transportation included in a tour and additional transportation costs for a person who does not utilize an air transportation part of the tour will vary with the type of transportation and the point at which transportation is not used, and shall be made at the sole discretion of Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel. All rates quoted in applicable descriptions, itineraries and brochures are based on the current carrier tariffs and current international exchange rates, and are subject to adjustment without prior notification in the event of changes therein, and any increase resulting from such adjustment shall not modify the cancellation provisions in the tour description/itinerary/brochure or the Trip Reservations and Details from accompanying this disclosure notice.


Coronavirus COVID-19 Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver of Liability & Indemnity Agreement

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus* (COVID-19, “Coronavirus”) is a known and rapidly evolving pandemic that is affecting travel worldwide, with continued spread and impacts expected.

Client is fully aware of the current global Coronavirus COVID-19 virus outbreak, the current travel restrictions, and inherent risks involved if choosing to travel.

Client understands that it is his/her responsibility to check the latest travel information regarding this virus outbreak with the CDC.


Client understands that it is his/her responsibility to have travel insurance to ensure they have coverage for all medical needs and trip cancellation but understands that concerns or fear of travel is not a covered reason for cancellation relating to the Coronavirus/ Covid-19 and will be denied. Client holds Deep Tranquility Travel harmless for his election to not purchase travel insurance or any denial of claim by travel insurer as it relates to Covid-19 or any other claim under the policy.

Travel insurance generally only covers unforeseen events. Most insurers classified COVID-19 as a 'known event' late January 2020. Please note that most policies have a specific clause stating they do not cover epidemics and pandemics, especially when travel warnings are in place.

Client understands that he/she is bound by the terms of the insurance policy as it relates to Coronavirus/Covid-19.

Client is aware the travel warnings, travel restrictions and rules and understands the risks, is accepting of these and knows that Deep Tranquility Travel dba WeNSpire Travel holds agency harmless for any travel restrictions, death, illness, cancellations by suppliers, hotels, airlines, cruise lines, tour agencies or any other travel provider, financial loss, quarantining rules or measures put in place at airports or destinations you are traveling through. Client further agrees to hold Deep Tranquility Travel harmless for any financial penalties or fees imposed by the by suppliers, hotels, airlines, cruise lines, tour agencies or any other travel provider due to cancellations or postponements due to Covid 19 and agrees not to institute a credit card dispute or “charge back” to Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel for said penalties or fees.

Client is aware that additional screening procedures and restrictions may take place at airports and in public areas. Client is aware that these restrictions may include mandatory face coverings and/or temperature checks in airports, hotels, cruise ships, trains or other means of transport.

Client is aware that Immigration restrictions may be put in place before or during your travels that may impede your ability to enter or exit your destination as planned.

Client is aware that it is his/her personal decision to travel and is doing so with full knowledge of current travel recommendations and travel restrictions with regards to the Coronavirus COVID-19 and takes full responsibility for his/her actions with regards to this.

Client is aware that the Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel will not be held responsible for delays, cancellations, or weather-related issues with the airlines, tour companies, or cruise lines. If delays or cancellations arise with the airlines, you must speak with the customer service agent on receive further instructions on how to proceed.


Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel charges a planning quote. This fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. This fee covers our planning, researching, and arranging service with our onsite suppliers and will be added to your booking if you choose to move forward with your travel plans.


For all bookings Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, only expects credit card payments other payment type to the chosen supplier(s) for processing/deposit. As a result, the supplier deposit, payment, cancellation, and refund policy/policies will be followed. The same process may be followed in the rare case when a supplier does not accept credit cards and requires Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel , to process your payment, then forward the funds to said supplier(s). When booking certain custom trips/arrangements/components and/or a dedicated Deep Tranquility LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, Group Adventure program, you will (also) receive a “Trip-specific — Policy" on Payments, Cancellations & Refunds’ applicable to the particular trip or trip segment(s) listed on the form you receive. For such bookings/arrangements, the ‘Trip-specific — Policy on Payments, Cancellations & Refunds’ will apply in addition to any and all other policies provided by suppliers, agencies, and Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel TERMS AND CONDITIONS. If you have two policies for the same trip, the stricter policy. will be in effect.


All bookings are payable by credit card (Visa, Master Card, and sometimes also American Express, and Discover Card). Your reservation may be canceled (in some cases automatically!) if a payment is not received by the due date.

Prices are per person double occupancy (unless stated otherwise) and are usually quoted in U.S. Dollars. Please consult the itinerary provided for further information on what your trip includes. Airfare is quoted separately unless you have been informed otherwise. Prices quoted are generally guaranteed for your trip, however price adjustments may be made (even on existing bookings) in the rare event of extreme currency fluctuations, post-booking fuel surcharge assessments, and other similarly unforeseeable events outside the control of Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, and/or our suppliers. Furthermore, price adjustments may be assessed by supplier(s) for currency, single supplement, small-group surcharge, or other reasons outside the control of Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel.

Applicable to all types of bookings, there may be instances where Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, will require you to pay by credit card only! All credit card payments, whether it is a payment made to Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, directly or simply authorization for us to forward your credit card info to a supplier, will require your signature on one or more credit card authorization forms supplied to you. This is for your protection as well as ours. Likewise, for most non-credit card transactions, a “Trip Authorization” form will be provided to you, which we require that you complete, sign, and return to Deep Tranquility Travel LLC, before we can proceed with your booking.

A deposit is required at the time of booking. We accept payment via credit card, debit card, for your deposit. The balance is due 90 days prior to departure. If your reservation is made within 90 days of departure, the entire cost of the trip must be paid at the time of confirmation.


Invoices are normally issued by the entity that processes your actual payment, Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, acts as Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel the processing agent (i.e., processes your credit card directly or deposit your funds into Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel accounts). In the adventure travel industry, invoices tend to move slowly through the system and Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, will forward you the various third-party invoices as they arrive into our office. Please note that for bookings where you will not be charged until you receive a service (as is the case with certain car and hotel reservations, there will be no invoice issued for the transaction until you return the car or check out of the hotel room you stayed in. Invoices for airline tickets are usually issued in conjunction with the itinerary and will be printed as part of the ticket (for paper tickets, on the very last ticket coupon page, on e-tickets, usually below the itinerary portion). Those are your receipts from the airlines – we simply pass them on to you. Receipts for insurance purchases will arrive in an email (forwarded to you by us) in the form of a policy page. Whenever you make a payment on your trip, the policy amount will be updated accordingly to keep you covered and a new policy email will arrive in your inbox. This constitutes your receipt from the insurer. Because receipts come from various sources and because they don’t all arrive at once, — strongly suggests that you keep every Credit Card Authorization form on file as these provide you with the most up-to-date information about every payment you have authorized to date whether or not those amounts were already charged or simply have been authorized by you to be charged later, such as with the car and hotel bookings above.

It is the mandatory policy of Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, that your reservation is not considered confirmed until you are in the receipt of Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel reservation confirmation notice. If you have not received this notice within 10 days subsequent to your request for reservations and process of your payments, you must notify Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, immediately by email

[email protected]

If you have received no communication from Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, within 10 business days of emailing paperwork and or forms to us, you must contact Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, to ensure your email has been received

If you fail to pay your payment by the due date listed on your invoice, a late fee will automatically be added to your invoice one day after your final payment date. Late fees will consist of $75.00 per occurrence.


A reservation that has not had a payment processed within 2 months of the initial deposit and or 2 missed payments according to the payment schedule will be canceled due to non payment. Deposits will not be refunded. All monies will be forfeited. Deposits are non refundable and non transferable. Any reservation that has multiple guests who are responsible for payments where one of the guests fail to make payments beyond the initial deposit will be subject to cancellation. Guests who are at risk of having their reservation canceled due to lack of payment from their roommate/roommates will be given the option to make a new reservation. Rates and fees may apply for the cancellation/modification of the original reservation. Please remember for every unpaid scheduled payment there is a $75 late fee added to your payment.


We try our best to accommodate each client's room request and bedding. Please understand that our agency can only do just that "REQUEST". Room accommodation is guaranteed but, bedding is based on availability once arrival to the hotel/resort.

ROOMMATE MATCHINGUnfortunately we don’t have a roommate matching program. It will be the responsibility of the traveler to find a roommate. If for whatever reason, your roommate can’t attend, it will be the responsibility of the traveler to inform the remaining roommates since this will affect the remaining payments. Invoice will be updated to reflect new payment after cancellation form has been submitted, remaining roommates, are notified, and remaining payments has been agreed upon.

REINSTATEMENT POLICYA reservation can be reinstated ​BEFORE​ the final payment date if there is availability and or if the event is not sold out. Full payment will be required. A reinstatement fee of $95 is required to be paid prior to processing the request. Rates and availability are subject to change once a reservation has been cancelled. Client will be responsible for paying the new rate at the time of reinstatement.

MODIFICATIONSA modification is considered but not limited to ANY change that is requested to be made to an existing reservation such as number of guests, name changes, cabin changes, or any other changes.All modifications will be assessed a fee of $75 per request per person.

TRAVEL DOCUMENTSDeep Tranquility Travel general practice is to send travel documents to our customers electronically whenever possible. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee of $25 or more per trip/per customer should you make a request for such documents to be sent as at Deep Tranquility Travel immediately if changes or corrections are required. Please note that all documents will be sent less than 30 days of departure date.

CANCELLATION PROCEDUREIf you should ever find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having to cancel your trip, you must notify us as soon as you know that you have to cancel, so your cancellation can be processed in a timely manner. $75.00 fee for cancellations for each person on the booking minus the cancellation fee that will be due to the vendor. There is a Due to a variety of factors – including the possibility that your personal travel consultant may be in a remote adventurous location temporarily, without access to modern telecommunications facilities Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, we simply cannot guarantee that any cancellation and/or refund requests received by Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel fewer than 14 days before a particular cancellation or refund cutoff date by a supplier, will be processed within the intended deadline. A cancellation request form must be completed before beginning the process of cancellation. Due to contractual agreements with the vendors/suppliers all payments received to Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel are non refundable and non transferable. Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel will enforce and uphold the cancellation policy/contract of the supplier, vendor, tour operator, hotel/resort/ and any other entity with who we(Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC) d/b/a We NSpire Travel have contracted for the event, trip, and or tour. Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel do not have the authority to override the cancellation policy of any supplier, vendor, tour operator hotel/resort and any other entity with whom we have contracted for the event trip, and or tour.

TRAVEL INSURANCEDeep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel recommends that all travelers get Travel Insurance. Missing a vacation is bad enough and losing money you paid for your vacation is even worse. Therefore, we highly recommend Travel Insurance Protection that helps provide coverage for Trip Cancellation, Interruption, Baggage Loss or Delay, Medical Expenses and more. You are required to select and purchase travel insurance for domestic and international tours.

PASSPORTS AND VISASPassengers are responsible for ensuring that they have the proper travel documents and MUST CHECK with the respective consulate(s) or visa agency to determine whether any visas or passports are required.Passports are required to be valid for at least 6 months after the date of travel. Some countries require a full blank “VISA” page in the passport for stamping purposes. Any information provided on travel description pertains to US citizens only. Non-US citizens should check with the respective consulate of the country(s) to be visited for current entry requirements. We strongly suggest all cruise passengers to have a valid passport in their possession while cruising.

TRAVELERS WITH DISABILITIESIn order to fully enjoy your travel with Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a WE NSpire Travel, please select a trip that is suitable to your physical capabilities. Tour participants requiring any form of assistance, including travelers with physical disabilities, sight or hearing impairments, are required to notify Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel prior to reservation for review and our agreement. Additionally, the tour participant must be accompanied by an individual responsible for providing those services. Tour managers, guides, drivers or other tour, hotel, ship personnel are not able to provide such assistance. In order to participate in escorted tours, passengers must be able to understand and follow instructions given by the Tour Director at all times, both for the successful operation of the tour as well as for their personal safety. Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel. We reserves the right to reject participation or remove individuals from a tour if notification was not provided and/or when, in our sole judgment, continued participation would significantly hinder the services to be provided to all guests. Expenses, including cancellation fees and/or costs for alternate travel plans or to return home, will be the sole responsibility of the passenger. Escorted tours are fast-paced, often requiring lengthy walks over uneven terrain. In the interests of group harmony, clients should be able to maintain the pace of the tour. Clients with special needs may be better served independently. Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel can suggest touring options based upon specific requirements. Wheelchairs & Walkers: USA Tours: Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA), Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel seeks to accommodate disabled travelers to the extent possible and consistent with the specific tour itinerary. Nevertheless, you may find that certain tour features may not be accessible to the extent that you require a wheelchair, scooter, or other special equipment to participate. We cannot provide individual assistance to travelers with wheelchairs or other mobility devices. We regret that some itineraries cannot accommodate wheelchairs or motorized scooters. Passengers are required to advise Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel of their accessibility requirements prior to booking in order for to determine if reasonable accommodations are available. Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel will endeavor to accommodate special access needs, but does not guarantee that it will be able to do so in all cases.

YOUR CONDUCTIn the sole discretion of Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel and our Suppliers, Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel may require any guest to leave the tour if it is reasonably believed that the guest has engaged in, is engaged in, or is threatening to engage in, behavior that may adversely affect the safety, security, comfort, enjoyment, or well-being of other guests or Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel representatives and our Suppliers, including, but not limited to, behavior that is disruptive, verbally abusive, physically abusive, obnoxious, harassing, discriminatory, or obscene; or has failed or refused, or is failing or refusing, to follow Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel rules and procedures. In the event a guest is removed, such guest may be left at any city without any liability to Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel or its representatives or Suppliers. Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We Travel shall not be required to refund any portion of the price paid by any guest who is removed under the terms of this paragraph, nor shall Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel be responsible for expenses for lodging, medical care, meals, transportation, or any other expenses incurred by the guest.When you book with us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by you. Full payment for any such damage or loss (reasonably estimated if not precisely known) must be paid direct at the time to the accommodation owner or manager or other supplier. You must indemnify us for the full amount of any claim (also including legal costs) made against us.

PHOTOGRAPHSPHOTOGRAPHIC RELEASE: Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel may take photographs or video of its trips and trip participants grant Deep Tranquility Travel, LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel permission to do so and for it to use same for promotional or commercial use without payment of any compensation to participants. Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by Deep Tranquility Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel. including but not limited to brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc. Any person desiring not to have their photo taken or distributed must contact Deep Tranquility Travel in writing at


of his/her intention and include a photograph.

DISCLOSUREFinally, you will be asked to sign, and return to us, a copy of the Deep Tranquility Travel, TERMS & CONDITIONS/CONSUMER DISCLOSURE NOTICE & Release of Liability, Waiver, Assumption of Risk, and Mediation/Arbitration Agreement’, as well as the ‘Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, TERMS & CONDITIONS/CONSUMER DISCLOSURE NOTICE Regarding Voluntary Participation in Active, Adventurous, and/or High-Risk Travel’, both of which will be provided to you, usually at the time of your initial deposit. No forms = No trip. No exceptions. We hope you will understand the reasons for this added bureaucracy, in the context of Travel d/b/a We NSpire Travel, and very much appreciate your cooperation in this regard. At Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, our clients are our number 1 priority.I acknowledge that I have carefully read the above paragraphs as well as the ‘Trip Reservations and Details’, including the information regarding Liability waiver, cancellations and refunds, and by signing below I fully agree to all stated conditions therein.I DO HEREBY EXPRESSLY AGREE TO FOREVER RELEASE, DISCHARGE AND HOLD Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, and its agents, employees, officers, directors, associates, suppliers, affiliated companies, and subcontractors HARMLESS against any and all liability, actions, causes of action, debts, suits, claims, and demands of any and every kind and nature whatsoever which I now have or which may hereafter arise out of or in connection with my trip or participation in any activities arranged for me by Deep Tranquility Travel LLC d/b/a We NSpire Travel, and its agents, employees, associates, suppliers, affiliated companies, or subcontractors.THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SERVE AS A COMPLETE RELEASE AND EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK for myself, my heirs, assignees, administrators, executors, and all members of my family, including any minors accompanying me.I HAVE READ AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THE PROVISIONS AND THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF THIS RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND I HEREBY AGREE TO ALL OF ITS CONDITIONS. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT — HAS RECOMMENDED THAT I HAVE MY ATTORNEY REVIEW THIS RELEASE PRIOR TO MY SIGNING IT.I further agree that any legal dispute involving these travel services is subject to the ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION CLAUSE herein but that in the event that any legal action shall necessitate the use of a court(s) the action shall be heard only by the courts of Tarrant County, Tennessee, U.S.A. I acknowledge that in calculating the cost of the tour or trip, — has relied on my consent to these terms and on their enforceability. In the absence of this Release, the tour/trip cost would have been higher, or, alternatively, — would be unable to offer these services to me. I fully understand that this is a legally binding and enforceable contract and sign it of my own free will. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.